Mal Pal (YourPalMal)
A fun simple charming game when you need to kill time. My first completed run took about 4 hours to complete and then you gradually unlock more and more monsters (and a skip time button the first completion) every time you complete the game. There's a button at the bottom of the menu that also let's you do commands and one unlocks monsters designed by the devs son which I recommend enabling (they are both cute and useful) overall I love it a whole lot.

Adam Avery
Super fun game, no forced ads, great time killer. I wish it were a bit longer, but that's ok... Also, for the dev, you could probably put a prestige system into the game that would offer a lot more options later on. Overall, very well done and I'll probably play through again using a different set of monsters. Thanks!

Tmac Tmac
Unlike most of Moi's other games, it's fairly short and designed to be more replayable than a long grind endlessly! The speedup button you get after the first clear vastly speeds up the game and experimenting with different build setups is fun, and I appreciate that (at the moment) the hiscores seem legit and give a different kind of "endgame" to shoot for. That said, the last few floors are RNG-heavy with a couple enemies being totally broken runkillers and others being pushovers. Solid 4/5 tho
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